Evidence-Based Probiotics and Digestive Health Basics
The probiotics market has experienced significant growth globally, particularly in the form of supplements.
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The probiotics market has experienced significant growth globally, particularly in the form of supplements.
How and where do people get nutritional and dietary information? Recent studies & research have focused on this topic.
Adding glutamine supplements to a sports nutrition routine is thought to help with high-intensity athletic activities.
Sports nutrition trends seem to change faster with every passing year. Studies into sports nutrition are more necessary than ever before.
Understanding the gut microbiome’s response to individual diets may help our understanding of sports nutrition for athletic performance.
A free consumer guide was put together to bring attention to and provide information on incorporating brain-healthy foods into the diet.
Recently, postbiotics have come forward as another group of supplements that may help improve gut health and other systems in the body.
Probiotics and prebiotics. You’ve probably heard both of these terms at one point or another. But what’s the difference between them?
Poppy seeds are great sources of both dietary fiber and proteins, which makes them an excellent source of nutrition.
Recent developments in ketone supplements can help acutely elevate blood beta-hydroxybutyrate without long fasts carbohydrate restriction.
Clinicians and other medical practitioners are increasingly interested in the proposed performance and other benefits of nutritional ketosis.
Studies on ketones have shown promise as energy provisionary bodies, anti-inflammatory effects, and ameliorating oxidative stress, and more.
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