Successful Clinical Research Collaborations
Successful clinical research collaborations are built on a foundation of clear goals, effective governance, open communication, and mutual respect.
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Successful clinical research collaborations are built on a foundation of clear goals, effective governance, open communication, and mutual respect.
By combining resources, expertise, and perspectives, partnerships drive innovation, efficiency, and patient-centered outcomes.
By prioritizing robust data management practices, the clinical research community can ensure trustworthy results that help patient outcomes.
Big data is revolutionizing clinical trials, enabling more precise, efficient, and patient-centric research.
Participating in a clinical trial involves a commitment to following study protocols, open communication with the research team, and overall...
Despite the critical role clinical trials play in advancing medical science and healthcare, participation remains lower than needed
Continued investment in clinical research ensures that public health initiatives remain effective and responsive to the evolving needs of society.
Participation in clinical trials for supplements is not just a scientific necessity but a vital step toward ensuring these products are safe &...
Biofortis Research, a contract research organization, will be at the 2024 SupplySide West show to showcase its clinical study and consultancy...
Contract Research Organizations (CROs) have emerged as valuable partners offering a range of services to support research and development efforts of...
Biomarkers include a wide range of things, including proteins, genes, metabolites, hormones, and other molecules, measurable in samples.
Many trends and developments related to the gut microbiome and the food industry are developing at a rapid rate.
The food industry is notorious for promising a lot, especially when it comes to health foods. But how are these claims evaluated?
GMOs are organisms whose genetic material has been altered using biotechnology to introduce specific traits or characteristics.
Scientists and researchers are continuously investigating the potential impact various foods and diets have on brain function & cognition.
Dietary needs are the specific nutritional requirements that a body requires to function optimally and remain in good health.
Dietary needs are the specific nutritional requirements that a body requires to function optimally and remain in good health.
LcS has exhibited survivability in the GI tract across populations in many different countries. US Adults are no exception.
The production of meat cultivated from animal cells offers a potential solution to current environmental sustainability challenges.
You often come across claims like Fat-Free, Low in Sodium, and High in Calcium and Vitamin D on labels. What do these claims actually mean?
Reducing sugar in food has become a significant priority for both governments and consumers, as high-sugar diets can be damaging to health.
Plant-based food and beverage options are no longer limited to vegan and vegetarian diets. Many new options are available or in development.
The probiotics market has experienced significant growth globally, particularly in the form of supplements.
Cognitive health supplementation over the last decade has consumers seeking to improve attention, energy, and overall cognitive performance.
How and where do people get nutritional and dietary information? Recent studies & research have focused on this topic.
Adding glutamine supplements to a sports nutrition routine is thought to help with high-intensity athletic activities.
Sports nutrition trends seem to change faster with every passing year. Studies into sports nutrition are more necessary than ever before.
Understanding the gut microbiome’s response to individual diets may help our understanding of sports nutrition for athletic performance.
Sequencing is a hot topic in the food industry, and many questions surround it. Is next-gen sequencing the same as whole genome sequencing?
Biofortis offers recruitment and screening of participants with various levels of physical performance from sedentary adults to highly-trained...
Biofortis offers recruitment and screening of participants with various levels of physical performance from sedentary adults to highly-trained...
A shelf life test helps ensure quality throughout the lifecycle of your product.
A free consumer guide was put together to bring attention to and provide information on incorporating brain-healthy foods into the diet.
Recently, postbiotics have come forward as another group of supplements that may help improve gut health and other systems in the body.
Probiotics and prebiotics. You’ve probably heard both of these terms at one point or another. But what’s the difference between them?
Poppy seeds are great sources of both dietary fiber and proteins, which makes them an excellent source of nutrition.
This year’s National Nutrition Month is “Fuel for the Future,” with a focus on sustainability. Wondering what it means to eat sustainably? We’ve got...
Researchers are developing novel probiotic strains to keep up with the ever-growing demand for probiotics. Learn how Mérieux Nutrisciences can help.
Recent developments in ketone supplements can help acutely elevate blood beta-hydroxybutyrate without long fasts carbohydrate restriction.
The FDA's Closer to Zero campaign is working to reduce heavy metals in food. Learn why exposure to heavy metals is harmful to our health, and how to...
Reformulating products in order to reduce sugar is increasingly a priority for food manufacturers. Learn how of sugar reformulation works.
Clinicians and other medical practitioners are increasingly interested in the proposed performance and other benefits of nutritional ketosis.
Studies on ketones have shown promise as energy provisionary bodies, anti-inflammatory effects, and ameliorating oxidative stress, and more.
Many modern-day dietary research studies have primarily focused on ketogenic diets and the effects they may have on aerobic performance.
Psychiatric disorders are serious medical conditions that impair emotional, cognitive, social, and behavioral functions Can keto help?
An increasing body of evidence suggests that the dysregulation of specific brain systems may play a role in developing anxiety disorders.
A recent long-term study of cholesterol levels looked at how much elevated LDL cholesterol levels affect the risk for cardiovascular disease.
John Hopkins researchers recently reported gathering data on remnant cholesterol (RC) from over 17,000 patients. What was the verdict?
COVID-19 changed the world in many ways. One of the most concerning changes was the effect of COVID-19 severity on chronic illnesses.
A recent study looked into lowering LDL cholesterol in seniors and its effects on overall health. The results help our understanding of this.
Steroids including corticosteroids have been reported to increase blood glucose levels when administered to patients with type 2 diabetes.
It seems only natural that AI and related algorithms will eventually start to tackle tasks that involve human senses. How?
Many studies and trials have poured into the field of probiotics. A recent study has shown a potential link between probiotics and DES.
Can plant-based high-carbohydrate, low-fat diets help overweight individuals with general health? New research data is coming in.
Recent research demonstrated the gut microbiome plays a major role in the metabolic process that may affect cognition and the immune system.
Recent experimental probiotic studies demonstrated that giving Hafnia alvei, a gut bacterium, helps obese mice lose weight.
A recent study described research on the role of fiber in the treatment of Functional Constipation and Irritable Bowel Syndrome in children.
Childhood obesity has been a major public health concern for years now–a well-warranted concern, as cases continue to go up.
Can the use of probiotics improve Parkinson’s disease (PD) symptoms? Recent research has yielded some interesting results.
A recent study conducted by researchers working with the National Institutes of Health looked at the rising rates of CKD and obesity.
A recent study showed that excessive sugary drink intake may lead to an increased risk of adolescent hypertension.
Recent studies have narrowed the scope of the effects of a healthy breakfast down to how the nutrients from a good breakfast are used.
Research into how probiotics can help specific health conditions has been an area of particular interest. Diabetes is an area of importance.
NEWSLETTER: SEPTEMBER 2022 Research that is relevant In this newsletter, learn about what’s going on […]
A recent study focused on observing the effects of sugar-free diets on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).
A recent study, however, decided to determine the correlation between probiotics supplementation and inflammatory biomarkers.
Metabolic syndrome can be an indicator that some dangerous health conditions may be headed a person’s way. Can probiotics help?
Many modern studies are focusing on what avocados can do in conjunction with a healthy diet to help fight visceral obesity.
Studies have focused on the differences between a vegan diet and standard diet with regard to body comp, weight, and insulin sensitivity.
The difficult thing about evaluating nutraceuticals is the fact that they toe the line between being food and being a drug.
New data from a Wake Forest study shows the potential effect probiotics may have for supporting tamoxifen, a common anti-cancer drug.
Probiotics, prebiotics, & postbiotics are becoming increasingly common as an ingredient in beauty products.
Recent research shows we can now add dogs to the club of species that may benefit from specific nutraceuticals.
Probiotics (along with prebiotics & postbiotics) have been gaining popularity due to their effectiveness on gut health.
Probiotics may have the potential to reduce antibiotics and other chemicals used to raise animals and produce meat.
Safety and ensuring standards are met are most apparent when it comes to nutraceuticals for children like gummies.
Nutraceuticals are on pace to become a trillion-dollar industry by 2030, according to many industry and analytical sources.
What are the most commonly used nutraceuticals? What do people mean when they mention taking a nutraceutical?
Recent research into gut microbiota and related nutraceuticals has exploded. This research boom has led to some interesting information.
Gut health can be complicated for those unfamiliar with the field. The terminology is relatively new to the public lexicon.
Dietary supplements for weight management include myriad ingredients with thermogenic, lipotropic, satiety, and other metabolic effects.
A look at popular nutraceutical research & development trends happening in 2022 and the potential benefits these trends could yield.
Can diets or nutraceutical supplementation lead to chronic inflammation? Can diets or supplements reduce chronic inflammation?
We are pleased to announce Dr. Mah's promotion and pleased to welcome back Dr. Cook.
Many recent nutrition and nutraceutical studies have focused on gut microbiota and its effects on cognitive function & health.
Recently, nutraceutical research focused on MDD has increased. Many people who suffer from MDD don’t get relief from typical therapy.
Cut out the salt but keep the flavor! Celebrate National Nutrition Month with some great herbs & spices that will add flavor without salt.
A recent example of nutraceutical research is the study of anthocyanins and their effects on cardiovascular and metabolic health.
A look at nicotinamide mononucleotide research in relation to general skincare & aging, and how NMN may be beneficial.
Research into the reasons for and effect of the depletion of NAD in the body due to aging is gaining interest. Find out why.
The search for a versatile treatment to combat allergies has ramped up over the past few decades. Dietary Fiber Pectin may provide insight.
Potatoes don’t seem to be a nutritionally versatile source of protein at first glance. New research may help change this.
Many edible mushrooms are nutritional sources for protein, low in both fat and low in calories, but also have many nutraceutical properties.
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common chronic liver disease in the world. How does curcumin affect it?
Salt and its sodium content have long been associated with high blood pressure. Modern research, however, points out other factors.
A look at gut microbiota and the role it has in bone metabolism and links to the pathogenesis of osteoporosis and other bone-related issues
ith consumers becoming increasingly used to great-tasting healthy foods, scientists are looking at new ways to best deliver bioactives.
Skin health has been a particularly interesting area of discussion and years of research have led to some conclusions.
Scientists have been looking for more efficient ways to get energy from just about everything. What is biorefining?
Sarcopenia is a specific type of degenerative muscle atrophy associated with aging or immobility. Nutrition may affect it.
Researchers have started to take another look at the overall health benefits of lupin-derived peptides (LDPs).
Nuts are one of the most versatile foods in the world. The blend of beneficial bioactives, nutrients, fiber, minerals, and antioxidants...
Health issues including diabetes, and hypertension have prompted many scientists to look at food-based solutions, including d-Allulose.
A recent study took a look at how a specific microalgae, Spirulina, interacts with biomarkers of glycemic control and glucose metabolism.
Studies on the connection between diet and reducing the symptoms of chronic inflammatory diseases have shown a strong relationship.
Modern nutraceutical researchers are focused on finding the foods with the highest impact on modern health. Chia seeds may play a role.
Due to climbing obesity rates around the world, many scientists have started looking at what can help, including chamomile.
The primary role of melatonin in plants is still unclear, but researchers have continued studying the subject with some notable results.
A recent study published by JAMA shows that patients with high dietary fiber intake before CRC surgery have a lower risk for complications.
A recent Journal of Nutrition study looked at how whole grains and processed grains influence heart disease. Read about what was found.
Learn about the interesting taste test details most people don’t know and why taste tests are conducted in the first place.
Pre- and probiotics have been important aspects of specialized healthy diets for years now. Postbiotics may be just as important.
“Eat More Fiber.” This seems like common knowledge at this point, but have you ever wondered why fiber is so important?
New research has shown promising results into how fiber may help with delaying age-related brain inflammation.
A comprehensive definition of what a postbiotic is hasn’t been available until now. Read what scientists have used to define postbiotics.
As amazing as many of the potential health benefits from postbiotics sound, research is still being conducted. Read more...
A great consumer guide was recently published by multiple healthy eating organizations to promoted brain health and Alzheimer's awareness.
Postbiotics are the beneficial compounds probiotic bacteria produce when they consume prebiotics. They are currently being researched...
It’s easy to break down: probiotics are healthy bacteria while prebiotics are basically a food that enriches the diet of probiotic bacteria.
Diets that are high in fiber can help benefit our gut health in many ways. Poppy seeds are great sources of both dietary fiber and proteins.
Obesity is yet again confirmed as a leading factor in the development of cardiovascular disease (CVD) study shows.
New studies are revealing data that links elevated levels of maternal lipids, including triglycerides with gestational diabetes.
A recent study observed and recorded the connections between high-dose strawberry supplements and CVD risks in adults with obesity.
Cognition research doesn’t just focus on our thinking, but also our memories, attention, retention, reasoning, use of logic, and reasoning.
Recently, we published a review discussing the contribution of oat nutrients in optimizing the immune system’s response to infections.
Our findings suggest that regular consumption of Cognizin® may be safe and potentially beneficial against memory loss due to aging.
From study participant to Clinical Investigator, enter Dawn Beckman, M.D. by way of Northwestern Univ. who's chief aim is participant safety.
Biofortis conducts clinical trials and offers reviews of scientific claims pertaining to consumables such as food and beverage.
COVID-19 has emphasized the need to adhere to protocol, clean data, and keeping participants and staff safe and healthy.
A short interview with Biofortis clinical researcher Jeanne Rosone and her experiences as a clinician for over 20 years.
COVID-19 has required many to work from home. Here are five tips that will help you stay focused and productive while working from home.
As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, Biofortis is taking action for the safety of our community and our team.
Why new methods to collect clinical trial data, especially in view of the COVID-19 pandemic, should be considered.
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