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Low-Fat Vegan Diets & Health

Studies have focused on the differences between a vegan diet and standard diet with regard to body comp, weight, and insulin sensitivity.

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Nutraceuticals & Health

The difficult thing about evaluating nutraceuticals is the fact that they toe the line between being food and being a drug.

gut microbiota

Probiotics & Breast Cancer: New Research

New data from a Wake Forest study shows the potential effect probiotics may have for supporting tamoxifen, a common anti-cancer drug.

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Nutraceuticals for Dogs

Recent research shows we can now add dogs to the club of species that may benefit from specific nutraceuticals.

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New Probiotic & Gut Health Testing

Probiotics (along with prebiotics & postbiotics) have been gaining popularity due to their effectiveness on gut health.

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Probiotics & Animals

Probiotics may have the potential to reduce antibiotics and other chemicals used to raise animals and produce meat.

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Nutraceutical Market Rapidly Expanding

Nutraceuticals are on pace to become a trillion-dollar industry by 2030, according to many industry and analytical sources.

industry news

Popular Nutraceuticals

What are the most commonly used nutraceuticals? What do people mean when they mention taking a nutraceutical?

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