Sugary Drinks and Children’s Health
A recent study showed that excessive sugary drink intake may lead to an increased risk of adolescent hypertension.
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A recent study showed that excessive sugary drink intake may lead to an increased risk of adolescent hypertension.
Recent studies have narrowed the scope of the effects of a healthy breakfast down to how the nutrients from a good breakfast are used.
Research into how probiotics can help specific health conditions has been an area of particular interest. Diabetes is an area of importance.
NEWSLETTER: SEPTEMBER 2022 Research that is relevant In this newsletter, learn about what’s going on […]
A recent study focused on observing the effects of sugar-free diets on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).
A recent study, however, decided to determine the correlation between probiotics supplementation and inflammatory biomarkers.
Metabolic syndrome can be an indicator that some dangerous health conditions may be headed a person’s way. Can probiotics help?
Many modern studies are focusing on what avocados can do in conjunction with a healthy diet to help fight visceral obesity.
Studies have focused on the differences between a vegan diet and standard diet with regard to body comp, weight, and insulin sensitivity.
The difficult thing about evaluating nutraceuticals is the fact that they toe the line between being food and being a drug.
New data from a Wake Forest study shows the potential effect probiotics may have for supporting tamoxifen, a common anti-cancer drug.
Probiotics, prebiotics, & postbiotics are becoming increasingly common as an ingredient in beauty products.
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