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Meet Biofortis Clinical Investigator, Dawn Beckman, M.D.

From study participant to Clinical Investigator, enter Dawn Beckman, M.D. by way of Northwestern Univ. who's chief aim is participant safety.

By Liza McMahon Intern Biofortis Research, Summer 2020
Ten years ago, Dawn Beckman, M.D. participated in a fish oil study at Biofortis Research. Little did she know, in ten years’ time she would be working in the very same office as a clinical investigator.

Dr. Beckman began working at Biofortis in January of 2020. She finds participating in clinical research interesting because during her training, she read about studies all the time in journal publications. Beckman graduated from University of St. Francis in Joliet, and then went on to Loyola University Chicago – Stritch School of Medicine. She then completed her fellowship at Northwestern University.

Dawn wears many hats at Biofortis, but mainly she is in charge of making sure studies are safe for subjects.

“If [subjects] are having any symptoms, side effects or diagnoses, they get evaluated to see if it could potentially be related to something in the study that they’re taking or doing, or if it is something potentially pre-existing,” said Dawn. “We’re always looking out for the safety of the subjects.”

Dr. Beckman has loved her job at Biofortis since day one, because her colleagues are so enthusiastic and motivated, and for the most part, her subjects are healthy and happy to be there. She said this is a nice juxtaposition from her other office, a private practice where she specializes in Allergy and Immunology, where most patients come to her with complaints or issues.

Outside of work, Dawn enjoys various hobbies. She loves to garden, and this year she is attempting to grow pumpkins. She not only knits, but also designs knitwear, by taking patterns and making them her own. Dawn also enjoys DIY home improvement projects. Growing up, her father was a handyman around the house, and being the oldest daughter, she would help him and learn from him. When she is not working at Biofortis or her private practice, you might find her doing one of these creative projects.

Biofortis is a full service clinical research and scientific consulting company. Our research is focused on foods, ingredients and dietary supplements. Research conducted at Biofortis has helped evaluate food and nutrient metabolism and tolerance, support label claims, and demonstrate health benefits of products in the general and specific populations.

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