Reformulation & Reduced Sugar
Reducing sugar in food has become a significant priority for both governments and consumers, as high-sugar diets can be damaging to health.
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Reducing sugar in food has become a significant priority for both governments and consumers, as high-sugar diets can be damaging to health.
Plant-based food and beverage options are no longer limited to vegan and vegetarian diets. Many new options are available or in development.
The probiotics market has experienced significant growth globally, particularly in the form of supplements.
Cognitive health supplementation over the last decade has consumers seeking to improve attention, energy, and overall cognitive performance.
How and where do people get nutritional and dietary information? Recent studies & research have focused on this topic.
Adding glutamine supplements to a sports nutrition routine is thought to help with high-intensity athletic activities.
Sports nutrition trends seem to change faster with every passing year. Studies into sports nutrition are more necessary than ever before.
Understanding the gut microbiome’s response to individual diets may help our understanding of sports nutrition for athletic performance.
Sequencing is a hot topic in the food industry, and many questions surround it. Is next-gen sequencing the same as whole genome sequencing?
Biofortis offers recruitment and screening of participants with various levels of physical performance from sedentary adults to highly-trained...
Biofortis offers recruitment and screening of participants with various levels of physical performance from sedentary adults to highly-trained...
A shelf life test helps ensure quality throughout the lifecycle of your product.
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