PepsiCo Hydration Study

We have a new research study to measure hydration status through a smartphone based application.

Hydration status is often determined by measuring body mass change, fluid intake, and urine output. However, these measurements can be an invasive, time-consuming process. Hydration status may be detectable by analyzing blood flow patterns from blood vessels just below the skin in the face using a technology called Transdermal Optical Imaging (TOI). Therefore, this study is being done to determine the effectiveness of the smartphone application which uses TOI for measuring real-time hydration status throughout the day.

The total study participation is four ~15 minute visits across approximately 24 hours.

If qualified, you may be compensated up to $175 for completing all study visits and tasks.

Some of the main criteria to participate are to be:

  • Healthy adult; 18-65 years of age
  • Non-smoker (or quit for at least past 6 months)
  • Willing to restrict fluid intake to ~700 ml (women) and ~goo ml (men) of water during a 24- hour period

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