Frequently Asked Questions

Clinical Trial FAQ

Q: What is a clinical trial?

A clinical trial is a research study designed to answer specific questions about investigational treatments or investigational ways of using established treatments. While in a clinical trial, participants follow a protocol (study plan) and are seen regularly by the research staff to monitor their health and to determine the safety and effectiveness of their study therapy.

Q: What happens during a clinical trial?

Once it is determined that you meet the qualifications for the clinical trial and give your consent to participate, you will be given a structured program to follow. All of the costs of your study treatment are covered by the organization sponsoring the clinical trial.

Q: What can I expect?

All procedures relating to the study will be explained to you, the amount of time necessary to commit to the study will be discussed, and that there will be no cost to you.

Q: Do I get paid for participating in a research study?

Some studies compensate participants for the time they spend participating in a trial; generally, this amount is given to cover expenses for parking, transportation, meals, and possibly for lost work time.

Q: Will I know what study treatment I am on?

You may or may not know which study treatment you are on during the trial. For blinded studies, you will find out what study treatment you received when all of the participants have completed the trial.

Q: What happens when the clinical trial is finished?

After a clinical trial is completed, the data are analyzed. If the results show that the study therapy works at least as well as established treatments, the sponsor may submit it to the FDA, requesting approval to make it available to the general public.

Q: Will you keep my regular doctor informed about my test results?

Yes, with your permission, we will share your test results with your doctor. You will continue to see your doctor for routine medical care.

Q: How do I sign up for a clinical trial?

To view all of our current studies, click here. Simply follow the link on your chosen study page to see if you qualify.

Sensory Testing FAQ

What is taste testing?

Taste tests, also referred to as sensory testing, is the practice of using human subjects to assess the experience of consuming foods or beverages. Participants may be asked to look at, smell, or taste, different foods and answer questions about their opinions of the samples. Questions may assess if the participant likes or does not like the sample or if they can tell differences between samples. The participants’ answers are captured on paper or electronic questionnaires and the participant receives compensation for their time and effort.

What is product testing?

In product testing, participants are asked to use specified products and answer questions about the experience of using those products. Questions may address the participant’s satisfaction with the product and its performance, or how much they like or dislike specific aspects of the product. The participants’ answers are captured on paper or electronic questionnaires and the participant receives compensation for their time and effort.

What happens in sensory testing and product testing?

In both sensory tests and product testing, the test may happen at a central location or at a participant’s home. In Central Location Tests (CLT) participants arrive at a predetermined time to take part in the study. When they arrive they are asked to sign in and then may be asked to sit in a private booth or a conference room for the testing to take place. In an In-home Use Test (IHUT) participants may receive products in the mail or be asked to pick up products from a specified location and then use the products at home. In either case, directions are given to participants on how to complete the test and how to record answers on either paper or computerized ballots. At the conclusion of the test, when the participant has completed all questions they are compensated for their time and effort. Compensation is usually a payment of money in the form of a check or gift card and the amount of compensation is declared prior to the person agreeing to participate in the study. You can stop participation at any time.

Why participate in sensory and product tests?

Participation is a great way to earn extra income and to know that your opinions are helping to shape the foods and products of the future. It is also fun to try new foods and household products and meet people in your local community.

What if I am not chosen for a particular study?

Don’t worry! For some studies, we may have fulfilled our quota for participants and for other studies we may have specific demographics we must meet. Never fear! Just make sure and keep your information up to date with us by completing any surveys we send out via email. That way we have the most accurate information on file to fill our panel spots.

Can I sign my children up to participate in panels?

Yes, often we need children for panels regarding products for kids. We may also have panels where you and your children can both participate.

What kind of questions will I be asked other than my opinions on the products or foods being tested?

You may be asked questions to help us better understand who you are and what types of items you buy. These questions might include but are not limited to age, gender, ethnicity, household income, and how often you might use/purchase specific products.

How do I sign up for a sensory study?

You can sign up by visiting this link.


Additional Questions?
You can email us at or give us a call at 630-617-2000.

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